Does this sound like you...?

  • You feel like you're wandering aimlessly from one idea to the next and you need more of a "game plan" for your teaching
  • You want to teach more creatively, to make your music lessons fun and engaging but you struggle to know where to start and you feel stuck doing the same old thing
  • You're tired of wasting time trawling the internet, collecting and carefully storing music theory games...only to forget what you wanted them for later and leave them scattered around your studio
  • You wish that you could always find the perfect printable to effectively teach your student about a particular music theory concept
  • You want to feel more fulfilled by your teaching and pass on your love of music to your students

It doesn't have to be like that. Music teaching can be fun again and your students can get amazing results.

You can teach through games and improvisation and not feel like you're constantly battling the clock to fit everything in. You can give your students more holistic and creative lessons than you had growing up.

You've got the love of music. All you need are the tools and support.

That's where Vibrant Music Teaching comes in.

It's organised, clean and simple. Exactly what you need to save you headaches and make your lesson planning easier and more effective.

Already a member? Login here.

Hear from our members

Over a thousand teachers just like you love how much Vibrant Music Teaching simplifies their teaching prep. Watch this video to hear from a few of them!

Meet the Creator

Hey, have we met yet? I'm Nicola Cantan, a piano teacher in Ireland and the creator of Vibrant Music Teaching.

I've been teaching piano for over 15 years but it was about 7 years ago that everything started to change for me. Before that, I had been a pretty average teacher. I was ok, I was pleasant, but I wouldn't have knocked anyone's socks off.

Then I discovered piano teaching blogs. I found out about using improvisation, composing and music teaching games and I realised that I could bring my design degree (yes, fashion design actually, see the photo below for evidence!) and creative brain into my piano teaching and provide my students with a unique lesson experience.

Since then I've become addicted to sharing my discovery and ideas with other music teachers through my blog Colourful Keys, books like The Piano Practice Physician's Handbook and Rhythm in 5 and speaking at events online and in-person around the world.

I created Vibrant Music Teaching in 2017 because I could see how many teachers wanted to teach more creatively and use games more effectively, but they didn't have the support or tools they needed to do it. It began as a little bee of an idea buzzing around my head and it's now a thriving community where all my favourite teachers in the world hang out and get inspired.

I hope you'll join us and get in on the fun.

What's inside the membership?

Want to know exactly what you're getting for your money? That's fair. I would too!

Here are the main features of our membership platform. You get all of this as soon as you become a member. 😍

Worried this will be overwhelming? We make sure it never feels that way.

Watch this video to take a tour of the membership with me. See exactly what you're getting and how easy it is to find what you need!

Absolutely everything you need

300+ games and activities

All the content you need to teach theory the fun way with a wide breadth of levels, types of activities and topics.

30+ webinar recordings

All the professional development you'll ever need with new presentations added each month.

90+ teaching videos

Videos of real teaching to help you understand the ideas and fully grasp how they look in action.

30+ fantastic courses

Comprehensive lesson plans with walk-through videos so you can put these ideas into action.

Flawlessly organised

Find what you need by selecting the concept, level, number of players and activity type that would help your student right now.

New printables every month

5 new games added every single month. The best part? I'll take special requests for the games you want and need.

Time-saving planning tools

Make your own custom lists of activities and ideas to plan for students, workshops and...everything else!

Theory games roadmaps

Roadmaps to correlate to Piano Adventures, Piano Pronto, Thinking Theory and Piano Safari plus a master roadmap including every game.

Monthly Q&A calls

Monthly live video chats to connect you with other members and get your questions answered.

Mini Musicians Curriculum

A complete, all-inclusive group preschool music and piano program with a fun and creative approach.

Tiny Finger Takeoff

Your first year of lessons with a new preschooler ready to go with step-by-step videos to guide you.

Piano Powerbooster

Comprehensive lesson plans for aural, rhythm, theory and technique for the first 40 weeks of lessons.

Member success stories

Read what members have to say about Vibrant Music Teaching and the impact it has had in their studios.

Most teachers struggle to keep their students engaged in lessons. At Vibrant Music Teaching, we provide fun and effective resources so music teachers have full hearts and overflowing studios.

Vibrant Music Teaching is the perfect place for continuing professional development and resources for instrumental and vocal music teachers.

The printable library grows every month and is fully organised and completely sortable. So there's always something new to inspire you, but it's not overwhelming.

The video library contains courses, guided lesson plans, workshop recordings and videos of real teaching in action so you can feel fully confident trying new things with your students.

And the community is always here to support you through the Facebook group and member Q&A calls.

Become a member today and join the fun.



Psst! Still got questions? Email me here.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

When you join Vibrant Music Teaching you are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don't feel like you've received value and you decide you want to cancel any time within the next 30 days, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund. No hassles, headaches or hoops to jump through.

I'm confident you'll love Vibrant Music Teaching but if you're not satisfied within your first 30 days then we'll refund you without any fuss.


Become a Vibrant Music Teaching member today and you'll get instant access to the full printable library (over 400 resources!), games roadmaps, courses & lesson plans, teaching videos, workshop recordings and monthly member calls.

You can cancel your membership at any time, no strings, no gimmicks. So what have you got to lose? Sign up now and you're locked in at this low price for as long as you're a member.

Monthly Membership
per month

Less than the fees from one lesson each month

Recurring payment - cancel anytime

Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee​

Get your first month for only $14.50!

All prices in US Dollars


Interested in multiple teacher accounts for your music school? Contact me about custom pricing.


Are you a full-time student or teaching in an very low income area? Apply for a reduced rate here.