Reading vs Rote Webinar bonuses

Bonus 1: Your Certificate of Professional Development

Click here and fill in this form to get a certificate to say you completed this training today. It's important to keep track of all the work you're putting in to improve your studio and become a better teacher for your students.

Bonus 2: Dragon Dance rote piece with Callum

THIS is the reason I love including rote pieces. Callum does not have an easy time at piano or school, he has ADHD which has meant less than ideal practice habits (something we're working on). Also, like many students with ADHD, he has less fine motor control and so does struggle with technique, especially when combined with reading.

Callum loves computer games so this piece is perfect for him as it has that epic/quest type sound and I my favourite part of this video is the end – just look at the pride when he realises he's learnt the whole piece already!

Bonus 3: Introducing Charlie Chipmunk to Amelia

Amelia is super enthusiastic and ready to jump in and try anything. In this video, you'll see me trying to slow the horse as we work on Charlie Chipmunk in her second lesson. Love her confidence!

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