Welcome Creativity Clinic teachers! Here you’ll find links directly to all the resources Paul and I mentioned today. Any questions just email or use the contact form. 🙂
Games used in the workshop
- Finger Gymnastics
- Landmark Heist
- FACEjibbidy-jibbidyFACE
- Interval Sprinterval Shminterval
- Dagda’s Harp
- Fantastic Fiction Composing Project
I also mentioned several exercises from my book, Rhythm in 5. VMT members can find the course and pdf download of Rhythm in 5 here.
Paul Myatt’s Resources
- Paul has put together all his workshop notes into one PDF. Click here to download it.
- Scale Accompaniments for C major/minor – melodic, natural, harmonic
- Singing Cards – free download on the easilearnmusic.co.uk website
- Aural Development Tracks (all the 1-2-1 songs) use the coupon code: “Dublin” the get 60% off the tracks (£9.99) bringing them down to £4.00 at https://www.easilearnmusic.co.