How to Teach the Circle of Fifths

In this video, I’ll show you how I teach the circle of fifths to all my students. You can do this with students at any age or level.

Many of us grew up using the circle of fifths without knowing that’s what we were doing. If you learnt your scales in the order: C, G, D, A, E, and on from there – you were using the circle of fifths. If I had known that’s what I was doing and the other ways the circle of fifths can be used in music theory, I think it would have made my life a whole lot easier.

1 thought on “How to Teach the Circle of Fifths”

  1. Basic question but confirming then they figure out which sharps or flats by playing the scale and hearing where it fits for the pattern of steps and skips in a major scale? And for the relative minor getting them to figure out by 3 half steps?


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