Summer Piano Challenge

Welcome to the Summer Piano Challenge! There are lots of different challenges on this page so you can explore music in your own way over the break. Click the links to jump to the adventure you want.

Scale Challenges

Level 1: Scale Apprentice

Practice each of the individual scales, playing along with the videos. When you feel ready, try the combined patterns of black keys, white keys or all keys.

Challenge Goal: Play along with track 87 and 99 (or faster!) without any errors in fingering or notes.

Level 2: Scale Enthusiast

Practice each of the individual scales, playing along with the videos. When you feel ready, try the combined patterns of black keys, white keys or all keys.

Challenge Goal: Play along with track 87 and 99 (or faster!) without any errors in fingering or notes.

Arpeggio Challenges

Level 1: Arpeggio Apprentice

Practice each of the individual arpeggios, playing along with the videos. When you feel ready, try the combined patterns of black keys, white keys or all keys.

Challenge Goal: Play along with track 87 and 99 (or faster!) without any errors in fingering or notes.

Level 2: Arpeggio Enthusiast

Practice each of the individual arpeggios, playing along with the videos. When you feel ready, try the combined patterns of black keys, white keys or all keys.

Challenge Goal: Play along with track 87 and 99 (or faster!) without any errors in fingering or notes.

Chord Challenges

Level 1: Chord Apprentice

Step 1: First, practice the major chords on the white keys going from C to C and back down again.

Slow tempo
Medium tempo
Quick tempo

Step 2: Next, work on playing the major chords on all the keys (including the black keys) going from C to C and back down again.

Slow tempo
Medium tempo
Quick tempo

Step 3: Finally, the big challenge! Practice playing all the major chords around the circle of fifths and then back around the circle of fourths. Hint: The tracks return to C at the end of the circle of fifths before starting the circle of fourths.

Slow tempo
Medium tempo
Quick tempo

Level 2: Chord Enthusiast

Step 1: First, practice the minor chords on the white keys going from A to A and back down again.

Slow tempo
Medium tempo
Quick tempo

Step 2: Next, work on playing all the keys (including the black keys) going from C to C and back down again.

Slow tempo
Medium tempo
Quick tempo

Step 3: Finally, the big challenge! Practice playing all the minor chords around the circle of fifths and then back around the circle of fourths. Hint: The tracks return to A at the end of the circle of fifths before starting the circle of fourths.

Slow tempo
Medium tempo
Quick tempo

Note Name Challenges

There are lots of great apps you can use to practice note names! Here are just a few favourites:

Whichever one you use, write down your scores so you can try and get better each time. 🤩

Interval Challenges

Level 1: Minterval Apprentice

Play the video and try to name and play each interval as their shown. Once you can do both slow videos without making mistakes, try the faster videos in the playlist.

Level 2: Minterval Sage

Play the video and try to name and play each interval as their shown. Once you can do both slow videos without making mistakes, try the faster videos in the playlist.

Level 3: Minterval Zen Master

Play the video and try to name and play each interval as their shown. Once you can do both slow videos without making mistakes, try the faster videos in the playlist.

Improvisation patterns

Watch any of these videos to learn a new improvisation idea. Remember to pause the video whenever you need to practice a step.

Pop riffs to play by ear

Here are a few of the best pop songs for working out on the piano. Listen for the repeating pattern and test out different piano keys as you listen. It’ll take a few goes but if you keep trying you’ll be able to find these on the piano!

Transposing tunes

Did you know you can take a piece and figure out how to play it anywhere on the piano? It doesn’t have to be played in the spot you first learnt it. Here’s a video to show you how. 🙂

Surprise your teacher ideas

Use one of these ideas or come up with your own way to surprise your teacher at the first lesson after the break. 😱

  • Learn a new piece
  • Learn a new scale
  • Find composer facts
  • Listen to various genres
  • Teach someone else
  • Compose a piece
  • Finish a book
  • Memorise an old piece
  • Create a music game
  • Write a musical story

Listening lists

This “yeti” playlist has some of the most popular pieces that students at all levels love learning.

These epic pieces are sure to wake you up!

These all time favourite piano pieces are at a more advanced level. They should inspire you to keep practising so you get to play them some day.

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