This little nudge in the early days of being a part of your studio can remind parents of their options, help them feel looked after, and serve to further banish any notions about lesson reschedules or makeup lessons out of their minds. 

Subject line

What to do if you can’t make a lesson

Email content

Hi [NAME],

Just a quick reminder that if you ever can’t make a lesson, you can avail yourself of the video or online lesson options. 

  • Online lessons (using Zoom) are perfect if [CHILD NAME] is free at the regular lesson time, but just can’t make it to the studio. For example, if you have car troubles or have a babysitter in who doesn’t drive.
  • Video lessons are a good choice when something comes up at our lesson time that you can’t reschedule. Simply send through a video before our lesson time of [CHILD NAME] playing through their assignments. I will review it during our lesson time and provide feedback, notes or a reply video (as appropriate) so [CHILD NAME] can keep progressing.

Ideally, we would keep the lesson time as a sacred spot in the schedule but, since we all know that life happens sometimes, I wanted to make sure you know you have options when it does. 

With appreciation,